Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cut me, Mick!

So apparently George Foreman has come to the point in his career when having made millions upon millions of dollars off of selling lean, mean, fat-grilling machines isn't enough. Now he has decided to leave his legacy to the new generation not as a burninating punching machine, but rather as a whining, excuse-maker.

In his new memoirs, he claims his trainer slipped him some sort of drug in his water before the Rumble in the Jungle, and that the drug was the reason he tired so quickly. Yeah, George, that makes a whole lot of sense. Let's just forget that had you won, you would have probably claimed the title of "Best Boxer Ever" and your trainer's monetary increase would diminish any reason for him to drug you. Let's forget that you folded when Ali played the match much smarter and played Rocky to your Clubber Lang. Maybe, just maybe, it was that you had only gotten to 8 rounds in 4 OF YOUR PREVIOUS 40 MATCHES!? Maybe that had something to do with being "tired as if I had fought 15 rounds."

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